Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Notice the blame-shifting cover-up going on here. A State employee forgets to do their job, and somehow the registry needs changing to compensate for that, why not just get employees to do their jobs and be responsible. Oh yes, there is no proof that even if the State employee did their job, that it would have prevented this crime.

The above caption was copied from a news article, but really backs up what my point has been all along.........Having the sex offender registry, public or private, does not prevent crime.  That would be like saying, there is less crime because we know the where a bouts of all felons.  Its ridiculous and a waste of tax payers time and money to monitor ALL sex offenders.....Hey while we are at it....lets just monitor all felons so we can prevent crime!!!!    NOT!

Once again I'm not saying we shouldn't keep tabs on these predators and violent offenders.  But there is an efficient way to do it.

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