Sunday, July 21, 2013

Changing the sex offender laws again?

Sex offender registries were created as a response to several heinous crimes where the victim was attacked by an offender who had served time in prison and been released without the public's knowledge. The theory behind registries is that when people know where a convicted offender lives, they can take precautions to keep themselves and their families safe. These laws are suppose to be there to protect the children.  Unfortunately these laws aren't really making that big of a difference.

I see a lot of flaws in the registry program.  Starting with the prosecutors wrongfully charging an individual for sex crime.  This classification of crime should be used for serious sexual offenses.  Not pissing on the sidewalk.   The State and local law enforcement that fails to do their job and the wrong people pay the price.  

  What happens when a child lies and a persons life is now ruined forever?  Especially when there is no hardcore evidence and the attorney for the accused fails to look into the charge.  How many falsely accused sex offenders are there?  Yes, I know people are falsely accused of crimes all the time.  But it doesn't carry the stigma of a sex offender.

 Why in the world do we put people that commit certain sex crimes in the  sames category as a child molester and predators?

 Certain things we did years ago that were considered innocent and harmless, (such as having teenage sex).  How many people have had sex in their car and got caught?  This is now considered a SEX crime?!  If convicted you are subjected to the same basic rules as a predator.  Your face is on a sex registry, you must tell the sheriffs office of your whereabouts or face prison, and all because you had sex with your then boyfriend or girlfriend?   And lets not forget the falsely accused.  They do exist as well.  So now we have these people carrying a serious, life ruining label, who do not pose threat to anyone, living in shame,  Why is this? 

 Why are we wasting our time with these lower level offenders? People charge with sex crimes, that when truly evaluated, weren't sexual in nature at all.  Each case should be evaluated when it comes to SEX CRIMES, if this was done, we would find the registry system a lot less crowded, our tax dollars would go further,  and you would be viewing the faces of the people we really SHOULD fear? 

I don't agree with the way prosecutors go about charging someone with a sex crime when the evidence is not supporting such a charge.

 I believe the State of Florida uses the sex crime statute  way too much. They don't investigate the crimes properly and if the accused is represented by the public defenders office, chances are the will not be dealt with fairly. 

PLEASE, PLEASE remember, not all sex offenders have cases involving children. I don't believe that every time a heinous crime against a child happens and we change the laws that it should apply to ALL sex offenders.

So, today I sit and watch the news and read articles where we now are charging the same children the sex offender laws were put in place to protect, and making them sex offenders?!!!  REALLY!!!!!   Now how are people going to view these sex offenders......   There are serious changes to be made.  Let 

Tired of the injustice?.....Help us to change these laws.   

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